extern crate texcraft_stdext;
extern crate texlang;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use texlang::command;
use texlang::prelude as txl;
use texlang::token;
use texlang::traits::*;
use texlang::types;
use texlang::types::CatCode;
use texlang::vm;
use texlang::vm::implement_has_component;
use texlang_common::HasFileSystem;
use texlang_common::HasLogging;
use texlang_common::HasTerminalIn;
pub mod alias;
pub mod alloc;
pub mod chardef;
pub mod codes;
pub mod conditional;
pub mod def;
pub mod endlinechar;
pub mod errormode;
pub mod expansion;
pub mod input;
pub mod job;
pub mod math;
pub mod mathchardef;
pub mod prefix;
pub mod registers;
pub mod repl;
pub mod script;
pub mod sleep;
pub mod texcraft;
pub mod the;
pub mod time;
pub mod tracingmacros;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct StdLibState {
pub alloc: alloc::Component,
pub codes_cat_code: codes::Component<CatCode>,
pub codes_math_code: codes::Component<types::MathCode>,
pub conditional: conditional::Component,
pub end_line_char: endlinechar::Component,
pub error_mode: errormode::Component,
pub input: input::Component<16>,
pub job: job::Component,
pub prefix: prefix::Component,
pub registers_i32: registers::Component<i32, 32768>,
pub registers_token_list: registers::Component<Vec<token::Token>, 256>,
pub repl: repl::Component,
pub script: script::Component,
pub testing: texlang_testing::TestingComponent,
pub time: time::Component,
pub tracing_macros: tracingmacros::Component,
impl TexlangState for StdLibState {
fn cat_code(&self, c: char) -> texlang::types::CatCode {
codes::cat_code(self, c)
fn end_line_char(&self) -> Option<char> {
fn post_macro_expansion_hook(
token: texlang::token::Token,
input: &vm::ExpansionInput<Self>,
tex_macro: &texlang::texmacro::Macro,
arguments: &[&[texlang::token::Token]],
reversed_expansion: &[texlang::token::Token],
) {
tracingmacros::hook(token, input, tex_macro, arguments, reversed_expansion)
fn expansion_override_hook(
token: texlang::token::Token,
input: &mut vm::ExpansionInput<Self>,
tag: Option<texlang::command::Tag>,
) -> txl::Result<Option<texlang::token::Token>> {
expansion::noexpand_hook(token, input, tag)
fn variable_assignment_scope_hook(
state: &mut Self,
) -> texcraft_stdext::collections::groupingmap::Scope {
fn recoverable_error_hook(
recoverable_error: texlang::error::TracedError,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn texlang::error::TexError>> {
errormode::recoverable_error_hook(self, recoverable_error)
impl the::TheCompatible for StdLibState {}
alloc: alloc::Component,
codes_cat_code: codes::Component<CatCode>,
codes_math_code: codes::Component<types::MathCode>,
conditional: conditional::Component,
end_line_char: endlinechar::Component,
error_mode: errormode::Component,
input: input::Component<16>,
job: job::Component,
prefix: prefix::Component,
registers_i32: registers::Component<i32, 32768>,
registers_token_list: registers::Component<Vec<token::Token>, 256>,
repl: repl::Component,
script: script::Component,
time: time::Component,
tracing_macros: tracingmacros::Component,
impl texlang_common::HasLogging for StdLibState {}
impl texlang_common::HasFileSystem for StdLibState {}
impl texlang_common::HasTerminalIn for StdLibState {
fn terminal_in(&self) -> std::rc::Rc<std::cell::RefCell<dyn texlang_common::TerminalIn>> {
pub fn built_in_commands<S>() -> HashMap<&'static str, command::BuiltIn<S>>
S: TexlangState
+ HasFileSystem
+ HasTerminalIn
+ HasLogging
+ HasComponent<alloc::Component>
+ HasComponent<codes::Component<CatCode>>
+ HasComponent<codes::Component<types::MathCode>>
+ HasComponent<conditional::Component>
+ the::TheCompatible
+ HasComponent<endlinechar::Component>
+ HasComponent<errormode::Component>
+ HasComponent<input::Component<16>>
+ HasComponent<job::Component>
+ HasComponent<prefix::Component>
+ HasComponent<registers::Component<i32, 32768>>
+ HasComponent<registers::Component<Vec<token::Token>, 256>>
+ HasComponent<repl::Component>
+ HasComponent<script::Component>
+ HasComponent<time::Component>
+ HasComponent<tracingmacros::Component>,
("advance", math::get_advance()),
("batchmode", errormode::get_batchmode()),
("catcode", codes::get_catcode()),
("closein", input::get_closein()),
("chardef", chardef::get_chardef()),
("count", registers::get_count()),
("countdef", registers::get_countdef()),
("day", time::get_day()),
("def", def::get_def()),
("divide", math::get_divide()),
("dumpFormat", job::get_dumpformat()),
("dumpValidate", job::get_dumpvalidate()),
("else", conditional::get_else()),
("endinput", input::get_endinput()),
("endlinechar", endlinechar::get_endlinechar()),
("errorstopmode", errormode::get_errorstopmode()),
("expandafter", expansion::get_expandafter_optimized()),
("fi", conditional::get_fi()),
("gdef", def::get_gdef()),
("global", prefix::get_global()),
("globaldefs", prefix::get_globaldefs()),
("ifcase", conditional::get_ifcase()),
("ifeof", input::get_ifeof()),
("iffalse", conditional::get_iffalse()),
("ifnum", conditional::get_ifnum()),
("ifodd", conditional::get_ifodd()),
("iftrue", conditional::get_iftrue()),
("input", input::get_input()),
("jobname", job::get_jobname()),
("let", alias::get_let()),
("long", prefix::get_long()),
("mathchardef", mathchardef::get_mathchardef()),
("mathcode", codes::get_mathcode()),
("month", time::get_month()),
("multiply", math::get_multiply()),
("newInt", alloc::get_newint()),
("newIntArray", alloc::get_newintarray()),
("noexpand", expansion::get_noexpand()),
("nonstopmode", errormode::get_nonstopmode()),
("or", conditional::get_or()),
("openin", input::get_openin()),
("outer", prefix::get_outer()),
("read", input::get_read()),
("relax", expansion::get_relax()),
("scrollmode", errormode::get_scrollmode()),
("sleep", sleep::get_sleep()),
("the", the::get_the()),
("time", time::get_time()),
("toks", registers::get_toks()),
("toksdef", registers::get_toksdef()),
("tracingmacros", tracingmacros::get_tracingmacros()),
("year", time::get_year()),
impl HasDefaultBuiltInCommands for StdLibState {
fn default_built_in_commands() -> HashMap<&'static str, command::BuiltIn<Self>> {
pub struct ErrorCase {
pub description: &'static str,
pub source_code: &'static str,
impl ErrorCase {
pub fn all_error_cases() -> Vec<ErrorCase> {
let mut cases = vec![];
for (description, source_code) in vec![
(r"\toks starts with a letter token", r"\toks 0 = a"),
r"\toks starts with a non-variable command",
r"\toks 0 = \def",
r"\toks starts is a variable command of the wrong type",
r"\toks 0 = \count 0",
r"end of input while scanning token list",
r"\toks 0 = { no closing brace",
(r"assign number from \toks", r"\count 0 = \toks 0"),
(r"end of input right after \toks", r"\toks 0"),
(r"\count is out of bounds (negative)", r"\count -200"),
(r"\count is out of bounds (positive)", r"\count 2000000"),
("file does not exist", r"\input doesNotExist"),
("end of input after \\global", r"\global"),
("can't be prefixed by \\global", r"\global \sleep"),
("can't be prefixed by \\global (character)", r"\global a"),
("can't be prefixed by \\long", r"\long \let \a = \def"),
("can't be prefixed by \\outer", r"\outer \let \a = \def"),
("bad rhs in assignment", r"\year = X"),
("invalid variable (undefined)", r"\advance \undefined by 4"),
"invalid variable (not a variable command)",
r"\advance \def by 4",
("invalid variable (character token)", r"\advance a by 4"),
("invalid variable (eof)", r"\advance"),
("invalid relation", r"\ifnum 3 z 4"),
("malformed by keyword", r"\advance \year bg"),
("undefined control sequence", r"\elephant"),
("invalid character", "\u{7F}"),
("empty control sequence", r"\"),
("invalid end of group", r"}"),
("invalid start of number", r"\count X"),
("invalid start of number (eof)", r"\count"),
("invalid start of number (not a variable)", r"\count \def"),
"case negative number to positive (from constant)",
r"\count -1",
"cast negative number to positive (from variable)",
r"\count 0 = 1 \count - \count 0",
"read positive number from negative variable value",
r"\count 0 = -1 \count \count 0",
("invalid character", r"\count `\def"),
("invalid character (eof)", r"\count `"),
("invalid octal digit", r"\count '9"),
("invalid octal digit (eof)", r"\count '"),
("invalid hexadecimal digit", "\\count \"Z"),
("invalid hexadecimal digit (eof)", "\\count \""),
"decimal number too big (radix)",
r"\count 1000000000000000000000",
"decimal number too big (sum)",
r"\count 18446744073709551617",
("octal number too big", r"\count '7777777777777777777777"),
"hexadecimal number too big",
("number with letter catcode", r"\catcode `1 = 11 \count 1"),
"non-arithmetic argument to math command",
r"\advance \catcode 1 by 3",
("category code out of bounds", r"\catcode 0 = 17"),
("invalid command target", r"\let a = \year"),
("invalid command target (eof)", r"\let"),
] {
cases.push(ErrorCase {
impl HasComponent<texlang_testing::TestingComponent> for StdLibState {
fn component(&self) -> &texlang_testing::TestingComponent {
fn component_mut(&mut self) -> &mut texlang_testing::TestingComponent {
&mut self.testing
mod tests {
use super::*;
use texlang_testing::*;
fn built_in_commands() -> HashMap<&'static str, command::BuiltIn<StdLibState>> {
type State = StdLibState;
r"\def\else{}\ifodd 2 \else should be skipped \fi",
r"\catcode`\A=13 \countdef A5 \countdef ~6 ~=7 A=8 \advance~byA \the~",
r"\catcode`\[=1 \catcode`\]=2 \catcode`\!=6 \def\!!1#2![{!#]#!!2}\! x{[y]][z}",
r"\catcode`\[=1 \catcode`\]=2 \catcode`\!=6 {#]![y][z}",
r"\def\assign#1{#1 = 20\relax}\assign\year\the\year",
serde_tests((serde_sanity, r"\def\HW{Hello World} ", r"\HW"),),
fn all_error_cases() {
let options = vec![TestOption::BuiltInCommands(
for case in ErrorCase::all_error_cases() {
println!("CASE {}", case.description);
run_fatal_error_test::<StdLibState>(case.source_code, &options, false)