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//! Lig/kern programming.
//! TFM files can include information about ligatures and kerns.
//! A [ligature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligature_(writing))
//! is a special character that can replace two or more adjacent characters.
//! For example, the pair of characters ae can be replaced by the æ ligature which is a single character.
//! A [kern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerning) is special space inserted between
//! two adjacent characters to align them better.
//! For example, a kern can be inserted between A and V to compensate for the large
//! amount of space created by the specific combination of these two characters.
//! ## The lig/kern programming language
//! TFM provides ligature and kern data in the form of
//! "instructions in a simple programming language that explains what to do for special letter pairs"
//! (quoting TFtoPL.2014.13).
//! This lig/kern programming language can be used to specify instructions like
//! "replace the pair (a,e) by æ" and
//! "insert a kern of width -0.1pt between the pair (A,V)".
//! But it can also specify more complex behaviors.
//! For example, a lig/kern program can specify "replace the pair (x,y) by the pair (z,y)".
//! In general for any pair of characters (x,y) the program specifies zero or one lig/kern instructions.
//! After this instruction is executed, there may be a new
//! pair of characters remaining, as in the (x,y) to (z,y) instruction.
//! The lig/kern instruction for this pair is then executed, if it exists.
//! This process continues until there are no more instructions left to run.
//! Lig/kern instructions are represented in this module by the [`lang::Instruction`] type.
//! ## Related code by Knuth
//! The TFtoPL and PLtoTF programs don't contain any code for running lig/kern programs.
//! They only contain logic for translating between the `.tfm` and `.pl`
//! formats for lig/kern programs, and for doing some validation as described below.
//! Lig/kern programs are actually executed in TeX; see KnuthTeX.2021.1032-1040.
//! One of the challenges with lig/kern programs is that they can contain infinite loops.
//! Here is a simple example of a lig/kern program with two instruction and an infinite loop:
//! - Replace (x,y) with (z,y) (in property list format, `(LABEL C x)(LIG/ C y C z)`)
//! - Replace (z,y) with (x,y) (in property list format, `(LABEL C z)(LIG/ C y C x)`)
//! When this program runs (x,y) will be swapped with (z,y) ad infinitum.
//! See TFtoPL.2014.88 for more examples.
//! Both TFtoPL and PLtoTF contain code that checks that a lig/kern program
//! does not contain infinite loops (TFtoPL.2014.88-95 and PLtoTF.2014.116-125).
//! The algorithm for detecting infinite loops is a topological sorting algorithm
//! over a graph where each node is a pair of characters.
//! However it's a bit complicated because the full graph cannot be constructed without
//! running the lig/kern program.
//! TeX does not check for infinite loops, presumably under the assumption that any `.tfm` file will have
//! been generated by PLtoTF and thus already validated.
//! However TeX does check for interrupts when executing lig/kern programs so that
//! at least a user can terminate TeX if an infinite loop is hit.
//! (See the `check_interrupt` line in KnuthTeX.2021.1040.)
//! ## Functionality in this module
//! This module handles lig/kern programs in a different way,
//! inspired by the ["parse don't validate"](https://lexi-lambda.github.io/blog/2019/11/05/parse-don-t-validate/)
//! philosophy.
//! This module is able to represent raw lig/kern programs as a vector of [`lang::Instruction`] values.
//! But can also _compile_ lig/kern programs (into a [`CompiledProgram`]).
//! This compilation process essentially executes the lig/kern program for every possible character pair.
//! The result is a map from each character pair to the full list of
//! replacement characters and kerns for that pair.
//! If there is an infinite loop in the program this compilation will naturally fail.
//! The compiled program is thus a "parsed" version of the lig/kern program
//! and it is impossible for infinite loops to appear in it.
//! An advantage of this model is that the lig/kern program does not need to be repeatedly
//! executed in the main hot loop of TeX.
//! This may make TeX faster.
//! However the compiled lig/kern program does have a larger memory footprint than the raw program,
//! and so it may be slower if TeX is memory bound.
mod compiler;
use crate::Char;
use crate::FixWord;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub mod lang;
/// A compiled lig/kern program.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct CompiledProgram {
left_to_pairs: BTreeMap<Char, (u16, u16)>,
pairs: Vec<(Char, RawReplacement)>,
middle_chars: Vec<(Char, FixWord)>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
struct RawReplacement {
left_char_operation: LeftCharOperation,
middle_char_bounds: std::ops::Range<u16>,
last_char: Char,
impl CompiledProgram {
/// Compile a lig/kern program.
pub fn compile(
program: &lang::Program,
kerns: &[FixWord],
entrypoints: HashMap<Char, u16>,
) -> (CompiledProgram, Vec<InfiniteLoopError>) {
compiler::compile(program, kerns, &entrypoints)
/// Get an iterator over the full lig/kern replacement for a pair of characters.
pub fn get_replacement_iter(&self, left_char: Char, right_char: Char) -> ReplacementIter {
self.get_replacement(left_char, right_char)
/// Get the full lig/kern replacement for a pair of characters.
pub fn get_replacement(&self, left_char: Char, right_char: Char) -> Replacement {
if let Some((lower, upper)) = self.left_to_pairs.get(&left_char) {
for (candidate_right_char, replacement) in
&self.pairs[(*lower as usize)..(*upper as usize)]
if *candidate_right_char != right_char {
return if replacement.middle_char_bounds.end == 0 {
Replacement {
left_char_operation: replacement.left_char_operation,
middle_chars: &[],
last_char: replacement.last_char,
} else {
Replacement {
left_char_operation: replacement.left_char_operation,
middle_chars: &self.middle_chars[replacement.middle_char_bounds.start
as usize
..replacement.middle_char_bounds.end as usize],
last_char: replacement.last_char,
/// Returns an iterator over all pairs `(char,char)` that have a replacement
/// specified in the lig/kern program.
pub fn all_pairs_having_replacement(&self) -> impl '_ + Iterator<Item = (Char, Char)> {
PairsIter {
current_left: Char(0),
left_iter: self.left_to_pairs.iter(),
right_chars: vec![],
program: self,
/// Returns whether this program is seven-bit safe.
/// A lig/kern program is seven-bit safe if the replacement for any
/// pair of seven-bit safe characters
/// consists only of seven-bit characters.
/// Conversely a program is seven-bit unsafe if there is a
/// pair of seven-bit characters whose replacement
/// contains a non-seven-bit character.
pub fn is_seven_bit_safe(&self) -> bool {
.filter(|(l, r)| l.is_seven_bit() && r.is_seven_bit())
.flat_map(|(l, r)| self.get_replacement_iter(l, r))
.all(|(c, _kern)| c.is_seven_bit())
/// An error returned from lig/kern compilation.
/// TODO: rename Cycle everywhere including the docs
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct InfiniteLoopError {
/// The pair of characters the starts the infinite loop.
pub starting_pair: (Option<Char>, Char),
impl InfiniteLoopError {
pub fn pltotf_message(&self) -> String {
let left = match self.starting_pair.0 {
Some(c) => format!["'{:03o}", c.0],
None => "boundary".to_string(),
"Infinite ligature loop starting with {} and '{:03o}!",
left, self.starting_pair.1 .0
pub fn pltotf_section(&self) -> u8 {
/// One step in a lig/kern infinite loop.
/// A vector of these steps is returned in a [`InfiniteLoopError`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct InfiniteLoopStep {
/// The index of the instruction to apply in this step.
pub instruction_index: usize,
/// The replacement text after applying this step.
/// The boolean specifies whether the replacement begins with the
/// left boundary char.
pub post_replacement: (bool, Vec<Char>),
/// The position of the cursor after applying this step.
pub post_cursor_position: usize,
/// Data structure describing the replacement of a character pair in a lig/kern program.
pub struct Replacement<'a> {
/// Operation to perform on the left character.
pub left_char_operation: LeftCharOperation,
/// Slice of characters and kerns to insert after the left character.
pub middle_chars: &'a [(Char, FixWord)],
/// Last character to insert.
pub last_char: Char,
impl<'a> Replacement<'a> {
fn no_op(right_char: Char) -> Replacement<'a> {
Replacement {
left_char_operation: LeftCharOperation::Retain,
middle_chars: &[],
last_char: right_char,
impl<'a> Replacement<'a> {
pub fn into_iter(self, left_char: Char) -> ReplacementIter<'a> {
ReplacementIter {
full_operation: self,
state: IterState::LeftChar,
/// Operation to perform on the left character of a lig/kern pair.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub enum LeftCharOperation {
/// Retain the left character and do not add a kern.
/// Delete the left character.
/// Retain the left character and append the specified kern.
/// Iterator over the replacement of a character pair in a lig/kern program.
pub struct ReplacementIter<'a> {
left_char: Char,
full_operation: Replacement<'a>,
state: IterState,
enum IterState {
impl<'a> ReplacementIter<'a> {
fn i(&self) -> (IterState, Option<(Char, FixWord)>) {
match self.state {
IterState::LeftChar => (
match self.full_operation.left_char_operation {
LeftCharOperation::Retain => Some((self.left_char, FixWord::ZERO)),
LeftCharOperation::Delete => None,
LeftCharOperation::AppendKern(kern) => Some((self.left_char, kern)),
IterState::MiddleChar(i) => match self.full_operation.middle_chars.get(i).copied() {
None => (IterState::LastChar, None),
Some(t) => (IterState::MiddleChar(i + 1), Some(t)),
IterState::LastChar => (
Some((self.full_operation.last_char, FixWord::ZERO)),
IterState::Exhausted => (IterState::Exhausted, None),
impl<'a> Iterator for ReplacementIter<'a> {
type Item = (Char, FixWord);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
loop {
let (state, r) = self.i();
self.state = state;
match (&self.state, r) {
(_, Some(t)) => return Some(t),
(IterState::Exhausted, _) => return None,
(_, _) => {}
/// An iterator over all pairs of characters that have a lig/kern replacement in a program.
struct PairsIter<'a, L> {
current_left: Char,
left_iter: L,
right_chars: Vec<Char>,
program: &'a CompiledProgram,
impl<'a, L: 'a + Iterator<Item = (&'a Char, &'a (u16, u16))>> Iterator for PairsIter<'a, L> {
type Item = (Char, Char);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.right_chars.pop() {
Some(right_char) => Some((self.current_left, right_char)),
None => match self.left_iter.next() {
None => None,
Some((&new_left, (lower, upper))) => {
self.current_left = new_left;
self.right_chars = self.program.pairs[*lower as usize..*upper as usize]
.map(|t| t.0)
Some((new_left, self.right_chars.pop().unwrap()))