Module texlang::token::trace

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Tracing system for determining the origin of a token.

This module implements a Tracer for tokens. When building helpful error messages we need to know the origin of tokens - e.g., the file and line they came from. The tracing functionality here enables obtaining this information in the form of a SourceCodeTrace.

Rather than the custom system here, a simpler solution would be to include this information on the token itself. The token could include a line position number and a reference counting pointer to some data structure containing information about the line. The problem with this solution is that it makes the Token type very large, and this causes unacceptably poor performance in Texlang’s tight inner loops. With the tracer here, each token only needs to hold onto a 32-bit Key which is enough to perform a full trace.

How the tracer works

When adding source code to the input, the tracer is informed using the register_source_code method. The tracer allocates a contiguous range of Keys that is large enough to give each UTF-8 character in the input a unique key. These keys are returned using the opaque KeyRange type, which enables the caller to retrieve these keys. It is assumed that the caller will assign keys in order to each UTF-8 character in the source code.

In addition to returning the range, the tracer associates the key range with the source code in an internal data structure.

When tracing a token (using trace), the token’s key is used to identify which key range the key came from. This key range is then used to identify the source code associated to the token. The difference between the token’s key and the first key for the source code is the UTF-8 offset into the source code. Thus we can uniquely identify the UTF-8 character the token is a associated to.


  • Key attached to tokens to enable tracing them.
  • Range of free keys that may be assigned to tokens.
  • A token trace
  • Data structure that records information for token tracing


  • Enum describing the possible origins of source code