Constant texlang_stdlib::alloc::NEWINTARRAY_DOC

source ยท
pub const NEWINTARRAY_DOC: &str = r"Allocate a new integer array

Usage: `\newIntArray <control sequence> <array length>`

The `\newIntArray` command allocates a new array of integers that
is referenced using the provided control sequence.
This new control sequence works pretty much like `\count`, but you can create
    as many arrays as you like and don't need to worry about other
    TeX code reusing the memory.
Unlike `\count`, the size of the array is not fixed by
the engine.
The only constraint on the size is that you have enough RAM
    on the machine to store it.
Simple example:

\newIntArray \myarray 3
\myarray 0 = 4
\asserteq{\the \myarray 0}{4}
\myarray 1 = 5
\asserteq{\the \myarray 1}{5}
\myarray 2 = 6
\asserteq{\the \myarray 2}{6}

The new control sequence can *not* be aliased using \let.